Momentum Matters! Whether it’s your exercise goal, career advancement or business expansion; momentum is essential. The key is to have movement that builds strength, expands competencies and accelerates growth. This time of year can be challenging for a lot of people.
Common questions – “Will I __(fill-in-the-blank_)__?”:
- Stay in my current job?
- Take my business to the next level?
- Keep my commitment to volunteer more?
- Stick with my exercise routine?
- Learn that foreign language?
- Expand my network to include people from different cultures?
- Create an action plan for my dream?
An affirmative response to that last question “Will I create an action plan for my dream?” can help to generate the momentum that is necessary for you to succeed in other areas. For ideas on the questions that you should answer to construct your action plan, see “Twelve key questions to help you move from “dream state” to “real state.”
Be encouraged. There are so many obstacle courses on the path to attaining and maintaining positive momentum. Find the bright spots — the positive people who are also moving forward and the friends who are truly supportive of your goals and keep pushing forward.
My best to you,
Juliette Mayers, Author, “A Black Woman’s Guide to Networking, Advance Your Career. Grow Your Business!” Learn more at
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