A Model for Managing Your Networks

Simply meeting lots of people is not enough, you need to carefully align your goals with those people you network with and that is what you call strategic networking. You can’t possibly maintain a large network of contacts, so it’s important to focus your efforts on the people who are most likely to be aligned with your goals and objectives. 

Find out how to identify your Inner Circle Contacts as Juliette shares how to efficiently prioritize your time and energy with these people in order to focus on the goals that you establish for yourself to achieve. 


03:14 In order to increase your effectiveness, you must create or tap into networks that are both strategic and productive. 

05:13 You must learn to say no to low-value or no-value activities that do not align with your goals and you must learn to say yes to high priority action items that move you towards your objectives.

10:27 Make sure you are prioritizing your ICCs, your Inner Circle Contacts, but first you have to identify them and cultivate those relationships. 

12:31 Sometimes it’s tough to know if you’re going to get alignment. Somebody who could be new to your network could be very much aligned with you. So, what we’re going to do with these groups is communicate. 

13:45 Prioritize yourself. Prioritize your goals. Prioritize the people who mean the most to you and make sure they get time. Then you focus on the others.  




This episode is sponsored by Associated Industries of Massachusetts(AIM). AIM is the largest business association in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To learn more about AIM, visit www.aimnet.org.

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