Part II of Harlem World’s Q & A with Juliette C. Mayers

A continuation of Danny Tinsdale’s interview with Juliette Mayers, author of “A Black Woman’s Guide to Networking, Advance Your Career. Grow Your Business!”

You talk about strategic networkingHow does that play out from a practical standpoint?  First, let me start by defining what I mean.  In my book, I refer to strategic and productive networking.  Strategic networking entails development of a plan with clear objectives, versus randomly connecting with people with no clear objective in mind.  Part of that plan includes the process of managing your relationships.  As it relates to your plan, not all contacts have equal value and therefore, you need to manage your network to yield the highest level of productivity.  In the book, I’ve outlined a three-tiered Strategic Networking Model for inner-circle contacts, high-value contacts and moderate-value contacts.  In this instance, value tiering is relative to alignment with your goals and objectives, degree of trust and the allocation of your time.  In short, you want to spend the most time with the people who have a high degree of alignment with your goals and people you trust.

What makes your book unique? In addition to addressing professional networking, my book acknowledges and addresses the realities of gender, race and class in constructive and inspirational ways.  For example, I share the story of my mother’s journey, an immigrant, single mom of three daughters (later married) without the privileges that come with a formal education; yet, she successfully maintained and leveraged her relationships to achieve her vision for her children.   I’ve also created a framework to address “the how” of networking essentials. It’s called Networking H.E.A.R.T.S. – the H is for honesty; the E is for energy and enthusiasm; the A is for Attitude – A positive disposition; R is for respect – something that is universally desired among all people; the T is for thanks – so important to show appreciation and the S is for smile – its about being approachable and welcoming of others.  Collectively, these attributes are likely to yield very positive interactions across all cultures.  Lastly, I draw upon the expertise of the “networking master-class”, seasoned, diverse executives from a variety of industries.

For those who can’t make the book signing at Hue-Man Bookstore,  March 24th at 4:00, how can folks get your book? The book is available at and on



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