Developing Empathy for the Lived Experiences of Others with Bob Rivers (Repeat Episode)

How do you develop empathy for the lived experiences of others? It can be difficult, but it’s necessary if we want to build a more inclusive society, embrace diversity and develop relationships. Juliette sits down with Bob Rivers, the Chair and CEO of Eastern Bank to talk about his journey and personal story that is truly empowering.

Find out how to better understand people as Bob further shares his process in order to develop meaningful relationships and cultivate relationships with different communities and networks. Moreover, get to know how humility plays a huge role in the process.


08:55  People, I think, could see that I was not only deeply sincere about addressing these issues, but also very aware that I wasn’t well educated,  knowledgeable, didn’t often know the language or the right words to use or ways to express things. Because of those relationships, people took me aside and would correct things to help me be better.”

13:29  It’s one thing to be introduced to someone; it’s another thing to operate in a way you’re building trust and really being there for that person or those people when they need you.

14:31 If you can’t find anyone, it’s all a matter of just reaching out and getting involved and really looking.

17:29  I like the discomfort ’cause I knew it would cause me to get better and get more comfortable and the only way to do that is repetition.

22:41 You have to find ways to break out into completely different communities and networks and you have to be strategic about it.


Julliette Mayers



Bob Rivers


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